sábado, 12 de marzo de 2011

Lady Gaga ayuda a Japon!!!!!!

Tras la desgracia que vive Japon desde el viernes nuestra Lady Gaga diseño unos brazaletes los cuales vendera en su pagina de internet a 50 dolares para que asi el dinero recaudado para las victimas de este terrible desastre segun publico en twitter.

El brazalete dira WE PRAY FOR JAPAN (rezemos por japon) .

Apesar de que muchos famosos le dicen a sus fans que donen Lady Gaga los ayudara personalmente ;)


2 comentarios:

  1. Lady Gaga is very well-known in many countries in the world. She have a lot of fanatic fans and also news-stalkers. She's a star, phenomenon, and many people want to know deeply about her daily life. Recently, I heard a news about her. Can be called as Bad or Good news, it's depend on our perceptions respectively. Lady Gaga was doing threesome in her private nude video!!! That's the news I heard recently. See her TOP SECRET video >> Click HERE (this link may be not available in the future, so be hurry to check it out).

  2. Lady Gaga is now a hall of fame, many years from now people will remember her as one of the famous celebrity and the sexiest women alive. :0

    Check out lady Gaga House in bel Air:
